Neil Harbisson

Artista contemporáneo y activista ciborg Neil Harbisson es un artista contemporáneo y activista ciborg nacido en Gran Bretaña y criado en Cataluña, conocido sobre todo por llevar implantada una antena en el cráneo y por haber sido reconocido oficialmente como ciborg por un gobierno. The antenna allows him to perceive visible and invisible colors via audible vibrations in his skull including infrareds and ultraviolets as well as receive colors from space, images, videos, music, or phone calls directly into his head via the internet connection. Harbisson identifies himself both as a cyborg; he feels he is technology, and as a transspecies; he no longer feels 100% human. His artwork explores identity, human perception, the connection between sight and sound, and the use of artistic expression via new sensory inputs. In 2010 he co-founded the Cyborg Foundation with Moon Ribas, an international organization that aims to help humans become cyborgs, defend cyborg rights and promote cyborg art. En 2017 cofundó la Transpecies Society, una asociación que da voz a personas con identidades no humanas defiende la libertad de autodiseño y ofrece la creación de nuevos sentidos y nuevos órganos en la comunidad."


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